Religious Life of Our School 


As a Catholic school, we regularly celebrate Liturgy and Mass. Student-run liturgies occur regularly throughout the year to celebrate significant events including Catholic Education Week, ANZAC Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Remembrance Day and NAIDOC week.

Whole School Mass

We celebrate a whole school Mass once per term. In term 1 for St Patrick’s Day, in term 2 for St Columba’s Day, in t erm 3 for Mary MacKillop and in term 4 for our End of year celebration.

Parents/guardians and friends are invited to attend these liturgical occasions to share faith with our students. Dates, times and venues are advertised on the school's Facebook page and the Sentral Parent Portal. These liturgical celebrations are an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of God and to appreciate the significance of Christ in their lives.

Sacramental Program

The school recognises parents/guardians as the first educators in faith. Students seeking the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist for the first time are enrolled by their family in St Columba’s Parish Sacramental program. Initial preparation for the sacraments is conducted in small groups led by parents, Father Thomas Duncan and members of the Parish. These groups are conducted outside of school hours.