Student wellbeing

“It’s a family orientated school. My kids love coming to school…” St Patrick's Primary School parent


We actively foster and promote student wellbeing at St Patrick’s Primary School through whole school and individual support including

  • regular health lessons teaching 'The Zones of Regulation' – a curriculum designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control
  • fortnightly personal development lessons with school guidance counsellor for students
  • learning support promoting support and inclusion in the classroom
  • partnerships with parents and our wider community
  • promotion of student safety through participation in events such as ‘Bullying No Way Day’, ‘Day for Daniel’ and ‘National Child Protection Week’
  • Life Education van visits
  • Daniel Morcombe Child Safety curriculum taught in class, which aims to teach children about personal safety and awareness, including cybersafety and phone safety, by focusing on three key safety messages: Recognise, React and Report
  • leadership opportunities provided for students
  • student voice actively promoted
  • student protection contacts promoted.